August 28

by Milo and Helen

The Jug Dog

A Jug is a mixed-breed dog that is a cross between a Jack Russell Terrier and a Pug. Jugs are known for being very affectionate and good-natured dogs, but they can be stubborn and won’t back down easily. Jugs also tend to have longer muzzles than the Pug and are hopefully not as prone to the breathing issues that affect the Pug.


The Pug and the Jack Russell Terrier are two very different breeds of dogs. The Pug is a companion dog and has been for a very long time and has probably become even more people-oriented over time to the point where they live to be around their human companions. The Jack Russell Terrier is bred from hunting dogs and still regards itself as a hunting dog. Jack Russell is less centered around serving a master and more interested in doing their own thing.

With the Jug, you will hopefully get the best of both a loyal and affectionate companion dog with an independently-minded, free-spirited nature.

What does a Jug look like?

The Jug will probably not look as distinctive as the Pug in so far as it won't have as wrinkly a face or as short a nose. This is because a Jack Russell has a more elongated snout.


There is quite a bit of variation across this breed because the parent breed differs from each other. The only thing they have in common is their size. This can be a good thing because every Jug puppy is a unique-looking individual. The coat colors of the Jug tend to be a combination of fawn, tan or black. 


They can have a wiry, long-haired coat but are much more likely to have a smooth, short-haired coat as the Pug is smooth-coated, and most Jack Russells' are smooth-coated. The Jug is a small Dog, 10 to 14 inches high and 13 to 20 lbs fully grown. 

The color of their cot is usually a mix of Fawn, apricot, brown, white, or black.


History of the Jug dog breed

It is believed that breeders first started combining the Jug and the Jack Russell purebred together in the 1960s in America. This is quite early for this type of mixed breeding with the deliberate intention of creating a new cross or designer breed dog.  

History of the Pug

The Pug is a very popular companion pet and has been for a very long time. They act like they know their only job is being a pet, and they are quite happy for that to be the case. The Pug originated in China and was very popular with Chinese royalty. 

Pugs also became popular with European royalty as well during the 16th to 19th centuries. They were used for tracking and guarding at this time but have been bred more for companionship and their special facial features over time. The breed came to America in the 19th century and was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1885.

History of the Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier was an English breed first developed by Reverend John Russell in 1819. The origin of the breed lay in the English White Terrier, which is now extinct. Russell wanted a small, strong, fearless terrier for chasing but not killing foxes. 


The Jack Russell breed was well developed by 1850. The breed was further developed after the death of Russell, and the first standard of the breed was written in 1894 by Blake Heinemann. Lots of terriers were called Jack Russells in the early 20th century. But Jack Russell enthusiasts have always tried to focus on the Jack Russell as a working dog.

This has meant the dog has not changed much in both temperament and appearance from the original fox hunters developed by Reverend John Russell. The Jack Russell was admitted into the American Kennel Club in 2001 as its American variation, the Parson Russell Terrier. The Parson Russell has the same origins as the Jack Russell but is a competition dog rather than the working standard. 


Is this Jack Russell Pug cross a good family dog?

As you can see from the history of the Jack Russell Terrier, enthusiasts have strived to keep the Jack Russell true to its fox hunting past. This makes Jack Russell a working dog. Working dogs do not always make the best family pets because it is in their nature to work and hunt. They do not want to be sat around all day waiting for you to come and play with them.

They want to be outside tracking down foxes or anything else that has laid a scent for them to follow. The Jack Russell has been used as a companion dog for many years. Most owners love them, but some can end up in shelters due to aggression problems. This is usually a result of the dog becoming more and more frustrated and the owners not knowing how to handle the situation. 

The Jug is only half terrier, therefore should not be as feisty as the Jack Russell, but there will still be that prey drive to a greater or lesser extent. The Jug will be a good family pet but be aware they will need additional exercise as they are more active than some other companion dogs. The upside is the Jug is independently minded with a strong all-around character.  They may not be suitable for small children.

Pros and Cons of owning a Jug dog


  • Small dog suitable for apartment living.
  • Active dog
  • Free-spirited character 
  • Reasonable healthy dog
  • Strong for their size
  • Low maintenance


  • Can be aggressive
  • Shed  quite a lot 
  • Need a lot of exercise
  • Like being outdoors
  • Don't like to be left alone.

What is the Jug temperament/personality?

The Jug is a small dog with a lot of personality. They inherit the best traits from both breeds. Jugs are intelligent and playful but can also be stubborn and independent. 

They are loyal and affectionate with their families. They will get along well with other pets and children as long as they are properly socialized at a young age. These dogs do not like to be left alone, so they need owners who are home most of the time. 

Jugs are relatively easy to train, but they need consistent leadership from their owners.

Jugs may also inherit some of the less desirable traits of both parent breeds, such as the Pug's short nose and the Terrier's aggressive temperament.


Jugs are known for their prey drive, which makes them great at hunting and tracking. 


Jugs are adaptable and can thrive in most home environments as long as they have plenty of love and attention.


Jugs are known for their loud, deep bark.

Jug dogs are very friendly and love to play. 


Jugs make great companion dogs but are prone to small dog syndrome, which means they can be yappy and territorial.

Jug dogs are often described as being "full of life" and "always up for a good time." 

Jug dogs are typically very loving and affectionate towards their owners. However, they can also be quite energetic and excitable, which may not be ideal for everyone.

Are Jug puppies hard to train?

Jug puppies are not that difficult to train, but both parents would not have a four out of five on the trainability score, according to the American Kennel Club. That said, they are known for being a bit stubborn, so this can be a problem with training, and the Jack Russell does tend to think he is the boss, so he might have different ideas than you when it comes to training.

If you get your Pug into a good behavior pattern at a young age and are consistent with your praise when they do what you wish and withdraw attention when they have misbehaved, then you should have no real problem. You just need to persist and be consistent.


How to train a Jug puppy?


To train a Jug puppy, you'll need to be patient and consistent. Start with basic obedience commands like sit, stay, come, and down. 


You can then move on to more advanced tricks such as fetching, rolling over, and playing dead. 


You can also begin teaching your puppy not to jump up on people or furniture.

It's important to give your Jug puppy plenty of exercise. 


Be sure to socialize your puppy early on so he doesn't develop small dog syndrome.


Be patient and consistent with your training. Remember to praise and reward your dog for good behavior to reinforce desired actions.

Jug dog health problems?

Jugs are a type of dog that is known for being small and cute. However, Jugs can also suffer from health problems just like their parent breeds. 


Some of the most common health issues that Jugs face include respiratory problems, eye problems, and skin problems. Respiratory problems are often caused by the shortness of the Jug's muzzle, which can make it difficult for them to breathe properly. 


Eye problems can be caused by the shape of the Jug's head, which can put pressure on the eyes and cause them to become irritated or even damaged.


Skin problems are often caused by the fact that jugs have a lot of wrinkles on their skin, which can trap dirt and moisture and lead to infections.


Most of these issues will be passed down from the Pug parent, but these problems should be reduced by crossing with the Jack Russell.


Some health issues common to both breeds are hip and joint problems, and they can be both prone to obesity.


What are the exercise requirements for a Jug dog?


A Jug needs a lot of exercise, especially if they have a high prey drive, like the Jack Russell. The Jug would need forty-five to sixty minutes of exercise a day, and they would probably need a certain amount of time let loose around the yard on their own because you might not be able to keep up with their exercise routine. 


This is where children are great because both child and dog can really let off some steam and hopefully make both more subdued when they get back in the house. If you don’t have a backyard, you may need to take some trips to the local dog park.


If you don't give your Jug enough exercise, they may become destructive within the home or start chasing small animals and other family pets.


They are prone to breathing problems and need to be exercised regularly to stay healthy and not gain too much weight.


Grooming your Jug dog

Jugs are a breed of dog that does shed a bit. They may not be ideal for people who are allergic to dogs. Jugs require regular brushing to keep their coat healthy. Most dogs like to be brushed because they get a rub and a scratch in places where they can’t reach, and they like the attention from you. 


Brushing your dog's coat is a good way to massage their skin which will help stimulate blood flow and oil secretion near the skin and reduce shedding. It will also remove parasites and dirt from their coat.


Brushing your Jug outside or on a sheet of plastic will reduce the amount of hair falling in the house. 


The Jug will need a bath every six to eight weeks. Avoid too much washing and bathing because water can dry out your Jug's skin. Jugs have long, floppy ears that need to be cleaned regularly to prevent infection. 


Jug dogs are also known for their drooling, so their faces should be wiped down frequently.

What age and size is a Jug dog fully grown?

The Jug will generally reach full size as regards height at twelve months of age. Their height will be 10 to 14 inches, and it is unlikely they will get any taller after 12 months. The weight of a full-grown Jug will be 12 to 18 lbs. 


They may not reach this weight at 12 months and could take another few months to fill out, but if they look to have a nice healthy weight at 18 months, then try to maintain that weight from there on as Jugs are prone to obesity and this could lead to other health problems.

Dogs are not meant to be overweight, and if your Jug has problems running around because they are too fat, then it's time to put them on a diet.


The life expectancy of a Jug dog?

The Lifespan of the Jug is 12 to 15 years. This figure would be consistent with the Jack Russell, but a study carried out in the UK suggest that the lifespan of the Pug may be considerably shorter than previously suggested by canine experts such as the American Kennel Club of 13 to 15 years.


If this is the case, then this would leave the average life expectancy of the Jug at 10 to 12 years. I have written a full article about this study and how it might affect the life expectancy of the Jug. The Pug is prone to breathing problems because of its short muzzle and also obesity. If you put the two of them together, that might explain the shorter lifespan highlighted in the study. 


The Jug is crossed with a Jack Russell, a dog with a much longer snout and also a very active dog. This small modification could make a great deal of difference, and therefore, I’m going to stick with the lifespan for the Jug of 12-15 years, and this is also the estimate of Alan Kenworthy in his book The Jug. ‘My final Answer.’


Selective breeding can have a detrimental effect on a dog's health, and the Pug is a good example, where a quirky facial feature has been accentuated to the cost of the dog's health. Because the Jug is the product of a union between a Pug and a dog with very different facial features, you should get a much healthier dog as a result leading to smaller vet bills and a longer and happier life for your pet.




Are Jug dogs aggressive?

Jug dogs can have aggressive tendencies inherited mostly from the Jack Russell Terrier. The Jack Russell is particularly territorial and attempts to chase any other dogs or animals it comes into contact with.

Jug dogs that are not properly trained and socialized may be more likely to bark and lunge at other animals or people.



How much do Jug dogs eat?

An adult Jug will probably need a minimum of 1 cup of dried food per day. It is recommended that an adult dog is fed twice a day and a growing puppy  3 to 4 times a day. A growing puppy and a pregnant dog may need more food per day than an adult. 


Wet food will need to be a bigger portion because the water content has no nutritional value.


The protein in your dog food needs to be a minimum of 20% for adult dogs and closer to 25-30% for growing puppies and pregnant mothers.


In addition to protein, dog food will need to contain a balanced diet of fat, carbohydrates, minerals, and fats.


It is best to feed your dog twice a day at regular times and not leave food out for them all the time. Your dog will need a good bowl of fresh water available to them at all times.


It is important not to overfeed your Jug because they can be prone to obesity, but at the same, they can be very active dogs and may need more than the amount above.


It is best to talk to your dog breeder or the manager of the shelter with regards to the food your puppy may have been eating before collecting your puppy and stick to the same food for a while at least. 


They will also advise on the amount to give your dog, and you can discuss nutrition with your Veterinarian as he can examine your dog and is trained to make the best judgment.

Are Jug dogs hypoallergenic?

No, Jug dogs are not hypoallergenic. Jugs are not a good choice for people with allergies, but I’m sure people with allergies do own Jugs, Pugs, and Jack Russell Terriers.  You will not know how a person’s condition is going to react until you come into contact with the dog in question.

This should only be done under medical supervision, but if you want a better chance of success, you would be better off looking for a more suitable hypoallergenic dog, like a Bichon Frise or a Poodle.


Do Jug dogs bark a lot?

Do Jug dogs bark a lot? That really depends on the dog's individual personality and breed. For example, Jack Russell Terriers are a breed that is known for being very vocal. On the other hand, Pugs are not typically known for being very barky. So, it really varies from dog to dog.

Are Jug dogs good apartment dogs?

Jug dogs are the right size for apartment living, but if they inherit too much of the active nature of the Jack Russell, then there would definitely be better dog breeds you could choose. They do suffer from separation anxiety and don't like to be left alone or indoors for too long.

Can Jug dogs swim? 

Yes, Jug dogs can swim. Both parent breeds can swim, and the Jack Russell is a good swimmer in line with its all-action personality. Swimming is a great exercise for dogs, but sometimes it is hard to get your dog used to going into the water at first. Start off slow and see if they enjoy it. If they don't like it, there is no point forcing them in, and as well as that, you have to make sure they are properly dried off before bed or sickness could follow.


To Conclude

The Jug dog will combine the best of both worlds attributes of the rough, tough, and energetic Jack Russell Terrier with a loyal,  affectionate, and companion-oriented Pug. They are robust companion dogs with healthy bodies and attitudes and come highly recommended.

The Jug as a cross breed dog is not eligible for registration with American Kennel Club but you can register with the International Designer Canine Registry and they are recognized by the American Canine Hybrid ClubThe Designer Breed Registry and The Mixed Breed Dog Clubs of America.

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